Wednesday, May 17, 2006



不及格可能对很多人来说是很正常吧, 但却不是我。哈,或许是失败的教育把我训练成追逐好成绩的狗。犹记得上次差点给当掉的是高中历史科,不过无所谓,我的志愿不是考古学家。


第1次,我承认是自己的疏忽,没有proofread and edit。

但第2次,基于是首次写sport journalism,我特别提早准备,资料找足了才飞去旅行。我漏夜上网找资料及向朋友了解篮球的规矩,剪报以参考sport journalism写法和专用名词。

So wat did i get in the end? Well, i know hard work doesn't always bring fruitful result.

You want me to put in sport terminologies and copy the professional writing style. All right, I did as u said. Now, u say they are wrongly used and structured. Wat's more can i say than accepting the fact?

Sometime, I wish i should have ignored those terms and used my way of writing. At least I would not be penalized for using the wrong words and wrong sentence struture.

It's nobody's fault. I am just... lacking of practice and understanding of the exact usage of the new vocabulary.



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