Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lately, I have been pondering over this -- have I made the wrong decision to return to home country? Opportunities had knocked on my door twice and I just let it go... like that.  I was too short-sighted, over-confident and pampered to endure that few years which may lead me to a better future eventually. Back then, while three years studies in a country I disliked and three years bonds seemed like ages for me, these figures means nothing for me now.  I would also spend that additional cash and years to pick up a skill in order to secure a job overseas.

But, it's too late now.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

以歌送行 读后感

如果哪天我要离开了,请千万别唱那“阿弥陀佛。。。阿弥陀佛。。。”的曲子。我心领您的好意,但那曲子勾起我儿时伤心的回忆。 心经、佛号等都不错,没那么沉重。

如果我已走了,也请千万别唱那传统的“阿弥陀佛。。。阿弥陀佛。。。”的曲子。虽然不确定是否会有人为我落泪,但那调调还是太伤感了。若能唱唱我们在OPS合唱团的歌曲就更好不过了。 Cirlce of Life 不错啊,就让森林和动物声和美声陪伴我。

安静有魔力 - 安静,能成大事 之 读后感

原来一直怀念留学澳洲的时光是因为这 安静平静



