Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Looking for Nothing


I feel like a fool, waking up early in the morning, walking in the drizzle, searching for nothing.

First, although I manage to enter the studio, I got mystudio booking time wrongly.
Secondly, I did not practice the JABZ cuz I couldn't find any instruction paper on the desk. Only after I left the studio, then i realized that I have copied down the instruction in my notebook. A MA DE!!!!
Third, I stilll have a little problems handling the globecaster.
Lastly, because of the above reasons, I feel freaking nervous about my upcoming newsrooms.

Darn it~~~~~~~

Waking so early for NOTHING!!!! How can I be so careless!!!!


Anonymous said...

If malays are not happy in Penang, just leave and go to the more developed states like Kedah, Perlis, Sabah, where you will not be marginalised.

Gerakan, MCA who are reading this, just a simple advise: Leave BN now before you lose more voters.

50 years is enough. Vote DAP or any opposition in your constituency. We must not allow BN to fool us again. Down with BN and have a better future for all Malaysians.

Opposition leaders and parties should keep quiet. Umno is doing the work for them.

Smaller parties in BN will be severely punished in the next election for not standing up for their communities and parties interests, and for not taking proper care of the country. Their political survival could be leaving BN and run as independent party.

The malays are just too lazy even to analyze their own predicaments! After 49 years, they are still lamenting on not enough money in their pockets, and they are blaming the non-malays for this.

How further from the truth can this be? The malays should ask themselves how NEP has enriches a minority of malays, mostly the Umno politicians and their relatives and cronies.

That is where their money has gone to, so don't blame the non-malays who have sacrificed so much of their rights for the sake of the malays!

Most political parties are "unbreakable". They will find a scapegoat or common objective/target to unite the party at all costs to hold on to power.

Who cares whether a political party is breakable or unbreakable. They are only there to take care of their members and party interests first, not the ordinary people.

The ordinary people want to see the country and people properly taken care of, e.g. effective and efficient government departments, fair policies, good public facilities and social welfare, increase public safety and less crimes, no corruption and etc.

The Umno Youth act like crazy mobs same as their terrorist counterparts outside the country. They use the loophole in democracy which the little follow the many. Their member are not gullible but just plain evil and vile - they are just waiting for a chance to act.

These can be seen by the future generations in the UPM incidence. The UPM psychos are just the chips of the main Umno Youth block.

This week, I send of a cousin, a friend, a sister and two nephews to the airport who will never return to this country. They are all top graduates or students of top universities in UK and US, some with millions in their bank accounts. These news only convince them they are right and not to look back.

Just today I spoke to an old student of mine who has returned for a short holiday. I asked whether he has secured a PR in Australia and he said yes. I told him to serve there and stay there.

DAP, Gerakan and Keadilan may have to build Penang as a different country. That is the happening if your power is being threatened.

As long as Gerakan, MCA, MIC and other non-Umno in BN, they will never fight for our rights, the Umno say "yes" no one dare to say "not", how do we call it a partnership? Just like a dog following his master.

DAP and other champions of Malaysian rights, please do something about this and don't worry the next election, all the votes will go to you guys.

This is how idiots save themselves for the wrong things they firstly created. By putting blame of others then add more weight to their argument and cause - they think they would neutralise the troubles that is within their own party (Umno).

I tell you, we will end up having another May 13 for sure. Let us vote all of these idiots out if you are truly Malaysians.

I am just wondering how stupid these malays can be. Why are they not asking, after nearly 50 years for which 34 years of the NEP, all under malay prime minister and Umno but yet they can be marginalised and still poor!

Really idiotic thinking, they just don't ask themselves or their Umno leaders but blaming others.

Damn Umno, their denial syndrome, their extremism, their mentality, their self-righteousness. There is no greater curse than willful blindness and obscurantism.

Penang malays want more crutches. It is gimme, gimme, gimme. They do not know how to strive on their own but want handouts.

What about the Umno executive councilors! Were they sleeping all these years! It is the BN state government which is responsible for the state of the malays there. In any case, they will be blaming the chief minister even in 2200 and till eternity.

Umno had critical internal problems for decades. So far they had been able to divert their internal problems by using race and religion at all costs at the great expense of the country.

If one is confident, secure and strong, one do not need to resort to aggression, intimidation and threat to achieve one's objectives. These behaviors are strong signs of failures, insecurity and weaknesses.

Why are Umno Youth acting as if they can do whatever they like and not respect BN component parties and Umno which is the government?

Like in a family, if you don't set a good example for your children to follow, they will not respect you and they will rebel.

The national interests being scarified and ordinary people are being used for narrow and selfish party interests for far too long.

This is a sick government. After so many scholarships and after so many years given to the malays, I am wonder why there is still no bright and smart Umno politician to lead Umno?

Anyway, don't want to sound racist but I think the NEP will never achieve its targets with the malays current mentality.

Anonymous said...

Summary of the cases need immediate attentions:

(1) ACA revamping
(2) Automobile industry like Proton deserved to be scrapped
(3) Corruption in the highest order to the lowest rank of civil servant
(4) Crooked bridge - did we just pay for more when it is not built
(5) Economical growth is stagnant in the country
(6) Education issues - especially meritocracy systems
(7) Islamic religious stuff that undermines constitution
(8) Jasin a.k.a. the close one eye case
(9) MAS draining taxpayers money
(10) No equal wealth distribution to the people who needed it
(11) Police effectiveness
(12) Poverty in a few states namely Sabah and Sarawak
(13) Racial discrimination in many important positions - civil service
(14) Racial issues being fanned by Umno themselves
(15) Rafidah and Sammy
(16) Scomi accused of corruption
(17) Son in law which undermines the power of the prime minister
(18) Uncontrolled Muslim immigration (Project M) that swamped Malaysia
(19) White elephant sport center

Boys and gals - here are the top 19 biggest problems in Malaysia that require immediate attentions. If anybody can solve at least 50% of the problems, you are a good candidate to become the good prime minister of Malaysia. Ponder about it.

Anonymous said...

For those who still quote Singapore malays are victim of Singapore should feel shame.

This is biggest joke, when Malaysia malays think that they are fighting the right for Singapore malays and use this as an excuse to fulfill their greediness. Yet Singapore malays look down at Malaysia malays. They are proud to be Singapore malays.

Hahaha. Yes, again biggest joke is, they control almost every resource in Malaysia, and practicing daytime robbed, yet someone still quote Malaysia malays can get what they want if other race agreed.

This is what we called, Dr Spin.

Don't you know Umno strategy? Keep the malays forever dependent on them so that they can stay in power. There are many capable malays but they are so used to crutches that their muscle are dystrophic. It is like the doctor (no pun intended) who prescribes his patient an addictive quick fix so that they will keep coming back to him/her.

The fact that Mahathir may be more "modern thinking" than other malays, many may not aware, could be due to his training in Singapore!

Malays from Singapore just far outclass the malays from Malaysia in terms of knowledge and capability. But we have this "katak bawah tempurung" who thinks "don't becoming like the malays in Singapore"!

Friend, you are just far from them! You are just losing out! The poor deputy minister can never be as good as the Singapore malays in this life! And he never thinks to be like the Singapore malays to excel from the competition! Need to say more?

I too was fortunate enough to have a father who was farsighted enough to send me off to Singapore to be educated, some 10 years ago. Just like him, I will also send my children to Singapore one day, as I believe that their education system is far more superior compared to Malaysia, and to prepare them to face the future challenges in this competitive world.

It is not the race factor that makes Singapore what it is today. It is the system. Singapore is very wise and very careful never to mix religion/race with politics. Anyone irrespective of the race gets severe punishment if involved in religious or racial slur.

Their work ethics and accountability of their leaderships/heads and every civil servant based on merit rather than skin is so glaringly obvious. In Malaysia we are exactly the opposite in almost any area one can think of.

I really doubt many Singapore malays would like to move to Malaysia which obviously the Malaysia government would be too happy to grab them. Yet this is never an issue. It is not happening. Why?

This same goes to the Singapore Chinese. The Chinese there are more advanced than the Chinese here in Malaysia.

As a Chinese, I have to admit it and I really hope Chinese in Malaysia to start opening their eyes and learn the lessons to be more outward looking, improve themselves like learning more English and not dream that the next decade is easy going or get frustrated by the NEP.

We should first start by inculcate into our children from now on these values. There will be difficult times ahead and unless Chinese they make themselves competitive now, Malaysian Chinese will fall behind and be history.

Just like the NEP cannot bring an entire community to overcome their economic weakness overnight, so is the Chinese need to forge ahead to remain competitive cannot be achieved overnight. Start the ball rolling now.

To this end, I ask all Chinese leaders to lead and there are opportunities beyond the shores of Malaysia. We have to help ourselves because no one will.

If you are to make too much money in Malaysia, how the heavens can the malays catch up and give up NEP when the percentage of their economic cake will remain the same or stagnent?

So the solution for Malaysia is to increase the malays national wealth and the non-malays to increase their wealth globally - and keep it there. Right? This is open for dispute.

It is cool, Singapore malays achieved such feat because of the system, but the system was helped tremendously by the fact that there is no race issue.

I have friends in Singapore who are malays and they never consider themselves as malays. They always call themselves Singaporeans, something a country like Malaysia will never be able to achieve with the malays having the ketuanan attitude.

If only we have more people like a farsighted malay, Malaysia would be as progressive as Singapore. In fact with all our natural resources we could even be better than Singapore.

Our government is wasting money on subsidy to the malays when it should be teaching them to be independent. That is why today we see a lot of malay children too lazy to work and spend most of their time on drugs and become mat dull.

Slowly the Indonesians are coming over to take all their jobs and eventually they will be beggars in their own country.

There is plenty that I do not agree with the Singaporeans, their "one party state" for example, and their serious curbs on freedom of speech. But there is also plenty that we can learn from the good points of other nations as well, may it be the US, UK, Australia, even China.

But the underlying issue here is that a system based on mutual respect, meritocracy and equality works. Singaporeans have reach great heights in the international scene despite being very limited land, natural resource poor and limited population.

Yet their formula is a good example of a system that works. Every person benefits if they are willing to work hard and aim high.

Or would you rather Malaysians stay ignorant. "See no evil, say no evil, and hear no evil." Think about it……….

Anonymous said...

Umno said:

We are the master.

You are the master for -

1. Being Lazy lots
2. Corruption
3. Drug addictions
4. Gangsterism
5. Half past six mentality
6. Hypocrites
7. Lying
8. Making a lot of wives
9. Racism
10. Ungrateful

Anonymous said...

The original concept of NEP is laudable, but along the way it has been politicised by Umno aspirants. Yes, Tun Razak spelt out it was not to rob A to pay B. The formula was to expand the economic cake.

From what I see there is no sincerity among the malay leadership to uplift the malay masses. To deflect this discrepancy, non-malays are always used as the scapegoat and tarred as a threat to malay interests.

Malaysia needs malays to be successful. But why the great divide within the malay community in terms of income parity after close to 40 years of NEP?

You blame the implementation instead of the policy. But who are the implementers? Not the non-malays by any stretch of imagination. It is all your corrupt leaders robbing you all blind in the name of Ketuanan Melayu.

Again, you have to look at the leaders you have which glaringly show populism to seek self-interest is the mark of their leadership.

Economists of capitalism has long know a non secret recipe of a successful economy is best practised by non-interference of the authorities, a set policy like NEP is bound to failed in the first place! We might as well rely on the rule of communism rather than NEP!

We should from now on apply the rule of totally non-interference free economy in Malaysia economy, government shall only maintain the basic rules of law and providing a basic social net, and its function stop here! Let the economy run as free as it should, by merit!

Look at China and India, how they open up their economy and prosperous! Let the poor countryman to prosperous at later stage, at the meanwhile teach them how to fish, not give them the fish! Sooner or later, they will know how to fish!

You will say it is so painful! Of course, it is painful, but it is the certain and only way.

We can have a very bright country by adopting alternative approach in developing our economy. Racial base economy is not only outdated but also ineffective and not capitalist!

Anonymous said...

I am very please Badawi admits that Muslim countries are among the world most-corrupted. Look no further, just look at Malaysia. Want to learn corruption? Come to Malaysia. We will set up universities to teach that.

It is the Muslims (those ignorant and confused) that are corrupt. Their leaders show very bad example and stop calling their countries Islamic countries. They are not Islamic countries - they are just countries run by false leaders - they are not Muslim leaders.

Right on, man. Could not agree with you more. Malaysia indeed is one of the few top corrupt countries in the world. Soon it will put Nigeria and Indonesia into shame! Using religion as a fascist front to enrich the BN gangs is sub-human and evil.

In fact the whole religion set up in Malaysia is a direct duplication of the Hitler regime, with the Hitler youth now reemerging. Using this power to enrich the gangsters, as history shows it, will not last.

The World Bank has shown that reducing corruption by a small percentage will yield a 3 to 4 times rise in GDP per head. That talking about reducing poverty is a lot of bullshit. By just talking about reducing corruption in international arena to make fame without any knowledge of corruption's implication is sheer stupidity and we have it in Malaysia, time and again.

Islam itself is a corrupted religion. They copy Jews and Christianity religions. Then stole Pagan Temple and take away Hajar Aswad the Pagan God. Hmm what a shame?

Our prime minister is full of shit. When Israel attacked Lebanon, he voiced out. But when Umno Youth attacked MCA, he didn't know about it!

When corruption is so blatantly happening in Malaysia, he keeps quiet but can talk in conference about other Islamic countries. What! Look at the speck in your own eye first! Don't close one eye and peep through the other.

Why worry about others when our very own "half-past-six" ministers are worst than the armed-robbers, because they rob the whole nation under the pretext of helping the bumis.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think we are not capable to change Malaysia?

Umno is but a small machinery. In the past centuries, humankinds have abolished slavery, communism, Berlin Wall. We determine our destiny. We live in this system and we need to create awareness for people to wake up and change the system.

We need to voice dissent. We need to separate the evil and good. When we criticise laziness, incompetence, fanaticism and corruption, those who are good will come out of the system.

We then create a new system. Parties within Barisan Nasional begin to come out - MIC, MCA. Or leaders that follow the citizens cry, come out. When the good leaders are out, the party is but a wrecked evil not capable of any good and not getting the support of the people.

We then can begin to start anew. Debate policies and build a new Malaysia.

We are in the making of this. Already we are using forums and blogs to discuss what we want of Malaysia. When we debate this in parliament and in open forums, we will be so much closer when all the people want change.

Change is inevitable with globalisation. If not today then tomorrow.

We are Malaysians - we need one another and we can change Malaysia if we want it much. Let us live for Malaysia like the forefathers of Malaysia - the independence fighters who free Malaysia for the coming generations.

Anonymous said...

Umno, the most racist organisation in Malaysia has launched his attacks on non-malays, particular the Chinese.

All Chinese, please be aware. Umno have started brainwashing the malay students into believing that the non-malays are agents for Israel and USA.

Chinese and Indians please do not get into the business of Umno fight. It is not our business. It is the malays business.

At the mean time, BN has run full force in brainwashing all the universities students in Malaysia starting from UM, UPM, USM that non-malay students are agents for Israel and USA.

We pity the non-malay students studying in malay university like UM, UPM, USM but we encourage you to hold on or move to UTAR.

One day, Chinese will become prime minister in Malaysia and Malaysia will become a better country for everybody.

I guarantee that the Chinese prime minister will not discriminate against other races like the Umno does.

The Malaysia economy will improve and most Malaysians will have high skills jobs. Everything will be affordable from cars to houses. And most malays will be able to afford a decent house.

A Malaysian Chinese prime minister make all roads toll free and Petronas money will be spend wisely on public schools and public transports.

Malaysian Chinese prime minister will also facilitate any Muslim who wants to die in Middle East.

Anonymous said...

Malay leaders in Malaysia like to see their folks contained in a chicken coop. They tell them that they are free and yet to be beholden to them as they are the ones providing them their feed.

They even believe that if they left the coop, they might be eaten up by the wily fox, and that they might otherwise starve to death.

The Singapore malays is in no illusions and they know they are out of the coop. They got to find their own nourishment and they got no leader throwing in the crumbs to them.

If they don't want to labour for their food, they can always go across the causeway and be given citizenship rights and take advantage of all the crumbs thrown at them. But most of them will not.

Of course the chicken shit from there have all long crossed over. But the rest have a little more dignity and stay on to show what they are really made up of.

I respect the Singapore malays for that. It does not matter that they have made a lot of wrong turns or that they have hardly a fighting chance. But they got more respect and dignity than their kinsfolk from over here Malaysia.

This is what half-past-six ministers that we have in Malaysia. Even comparison between Singapore malays and Malaysian Chinese, Singapore malays are never discriminated by their government based on equality.

I have so many Singapore malay friends from school mates, college mates to business partners. Penang malays would be so glad if they are treated like Singapore malays. Just ask the Singaporeans……….do they want to be back to Malaysia?

The problem with the Malaysia malays is their jealous attitude. If they are left behind, they will prevent others from moving ahead too! And sometimes even sabotaging others, and some resort the use to cast spell on others.

Not only the laid back malays are preventing their own people from being successful, but other races too. We also want the malays to be successful by creating value in the society so that everyone benefit but not by taxing the non-malays then give contracts to the malays, who will then deliver half-past-six service.

Change your own attitude first through value creation using your own tears and sweats!

As said before, had Malaysia been managed by Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues for the past 40 years, Malaysia would have been much better off today, including all the malays! 95% would have owned a house, and no such rampant corruption!

For the malay ultras, facts speak louder than your bigotry cries, wake up, grow up, be men instead of sissies!

You see the problem here - the malays just cannot face up to their main problem - Laziness. This shows how thick-skinned and self-deluded these people are.

Malaysia is a multi-racial country. Jika kamu tak suka, kamu boleh blar……….tiada orang larang kamu.

The fact is malays you are the biggest loser! I am trying to wake you up instead of using the way like what our government is practice to provide NEP even though it is proven NEP is a failure in the past 30 years. Keep on dreaming if you think Malaysia could achieve Vision 2020 with your kind of attitude!

Majority of the Penang big government contracts is being awarded to the malay firms. What else you want! They get the same as other malays in Malaysia. The only different in Penang is, the Umno guys cannot tap the government fund into their own pocket, as other state Umno did. This is the main reason why they raised this issue.

Speaking without substances and distorting facts seems to be the good old habitual ways of Malaysia malays, which is probably inherited by their much loved masters, the "malay killers" - Umno.

To add to this, constant distorted facts with regards to the situational state of the Singapore malays remains among the commentators of Umno. It is hard not to see that some people really need to see the situation and know it firsthand before dishing out their empty vessel mentalities.

Anyways, good thing you be it Malay, Indian, Chinese in Singapore is open to competition, and cherish diversity. Not like the radical son of terrorist we can find many in Malaysia.

Most malays in Malaysia hate diversity and discontent to the minorities, especially the Chinese. In blog, radical malays can be either extreme or pretentiously diverse-minded. Very few is genuine.

I do admit there are lazy malays that depends on handouts, but this kind of malays will be phase out and this kind I would say hypocrite. They tend to claim they work hard to achieve success, in fact they relaying on government support. I myself despise this kind of human being.

Little do they realize this safety net is fast disappearing because the government is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the system in the face of global challenges! But these handouts have become an addiction. Refuse the junkie and you get booted out of power.

It is the malays themselves that must come to realize the damaging side effects of the NEP. For someone who wants no better than to see his own race succeed, this must be painful.

And you can frequently see the malays are often envious of not only the non-malays, but of their own successful malays as well.

Malays failed is a fact. What make non-malays not happy about their failure is, they fail despite get ample help from the government.

And they continue putting the blame on their fail to, especially the Malaysian Chinese. This is why created so many issue and argument here.

But those greedy Umno guys keep emphasis the NEP, how many percent of the country wealth belong to malays. In fact, those Umno guys having super good life by easy way.

And they keep on demanding, not really review what was wrong with it, putting the blame to non-malays, to stir the racist sentiment in the country.

If present situation continue, even the malays get 60% of the country wealth, majority of the malays will still munch.

Simple solution - come to Singapore and see for yourselves even if you want to guise that our Singapore malays are in lesser numbers on success than the Malaysia idiotic counterparts - our Singapore malays are based on merits and not on such keris wielding Umno policies……….are you proud of that?

Once again, in a subtle and indirect manner, this forum has proven how naive and "katak bawah tempurung" a Malaysia malay can be. Blame who? The Umno policies.

Yes, start collecting the achieves with regards to moral degradation among Malaysia malays. Look at the Umno ministers when they speak on national TV? Qualify or not become ministers with such low reactive capabilities!

Some Malaysia malays saying Singapore malays quota should be more in the Singapore cabinet if compared to the Indians. First, Singapore government is based on merit system and not like you bunch of racist moron Malaysia malays here. That is why Malaysia is so backward if compared to Korea and others.

Not many Malaysia malays can survive if they go oversea because they are slow and lazy and that is why they can't compete with the competitive market out there. Normally they will end up hiding their head in Malaysia with the protection and biased system by the Malaysia government.

Come on, man. We do not have time to argue the truth of your on and on talk about "not all malays are spoofed, not all malays are lazy". Like we are dying to argue that when we already know it is true.

It is human nature to blame everyone about their plight rather than blame themselves. The majority of new generation of malays in Singapore is educated, unlike their parents.

Please read the comments made by Singapore malays why they can hold their heads up and be proud as a Singapore malay and then maybe it will sink into you.

Muslims everywhere unless they are the minority, cannot tolerate people with different religions. The Singapore government handles the situation rather well as they handle their malay community with kid gloves.

Anonymous said...

The weaknesses in NEP are only two fold:

(1) failure to set and adhere to a deadline (so that malays knew that they have to work for self-betterment within a time frame and this would only benefit malay themselves and fellow Malaysians)

(2) weakness in execution as the benefits did not flow onto malays equally. That is why we can see a Dato spending much on divorce and marrying while many malays are still in poverty

I would say that certain malays are powerful and rich; emerging as the prime pillar of economic strength in Malaysia. Chinese businesses may be more numerous but they are mainly of smaller scale. The biggest companies in Malaysia are Petronas, Sime Darby, Telekonm, Tenaga, and I think most of them are controlled by malays.

Majority of the voters do not have access to a balanced media reporting channels to debate the cons and pros of the government. So long the BN buys votes with handouts and nice slogans, I think the majority ignorant voters can be swayed away from seeing the real issues.

I agree malays must adopt a "charitable culture". You already have the Zakat mechanism here but since when we hear rich malays donating and helping poor malays? If malay poverty is a national issue, patriotic and rich malays should assist their fellow Islam but I have not heard the likes of AP kings donating like what Bill Gates did.

But don't forget, we have poor Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Orang Asli……….so poverty is race blind. We should help all poor people, not only poor malays, but poor Malaysians.

We have to move beyond Chinese vs. malay and all that crap. It is Malaysia vs. Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam etc, for economic survival.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Better fly off whenever you feel not satisfy.

What I do know is that with so-called special rights, Malaysia lost a lot of talented brains. Those well-off enough go overseas to study and stay there. The rest just make do. Some turn out to be big and successful businessmen. The rest may be on smaller scale but beside business, what can they do?

With many families who had moved to a country that outwardly displays basic rights, it would be wiser the families who are still in Malaysia can really push themselves to get settled in Australia, from been regarded as second class citizens.

With so many who had already established and became citizens of Australia, in all fairness they must pull the stranded families from the clutches of the evil and bigoted malay government.

It is pleasing to the soul and heart to see success stories in this board, and hope many more can get out from the horrible and nightmarish daily events anyone have to go through been in Malaysia, that regards its other races as unimportant and not part of the fabric.

Once again success comes from hard work and determination, and I know everyone has to go through to get the rewards, but in Malaysia there is no such thing for any to be successful from resolute, because it only favors one race and no one else.

No matter how many times you tell your encounter abroad, they would just turn a deaf ear, continuing to practise their racial discriminatory policy.

They are just like robbers. Time after time they'd said if you don't give us what we want, violence is the only answer.

Regretfully, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the real world. Whilst someone has to pay for it in the interim, everyone has to pay for it in the end.

Anonymous said...

I am very confident that Vietnam will overtake us Malaysia before 2020. Their citizens are having the determination of moving forward and not looking backward.

Do not look down on Vietnam mental strength. Even in chess, they already produced few grandmasters, while we still remain behind with some international master titles only.

What Vietnam did is not comparable to our Oxbridge goon here training racist and mob future leader for the preparation of the 2020.

We should not compare to Vietnam because the standard is too high, we should compare to Afghanistan since we are also in the process of 'Talibanising the nation' and I guess we will reached there before the Afghanistan. Poppy will be our main export in future.

I am not Oxbridge but postgraduate from one of the world's top universities (non Malaysia). I can easily reel off a dozen reasons why Vietnam will overtake us and sooner than you think.

Sleep on Malaysia! I can't imagine any country that foolishly shoots itself in the feet. All the talk about human capital development is humbug - unless if you are thinking of only one race that seems perennially 'behind', decade after decade.

All the Umno politicians for the last 49 years have been perfectly useless not to be able to uplift its own kind.

And all that talk about the BN spirit and solving BN problems closed doors - absolute baloney! Wish I can just pack my bags and leave this swill and hogwash.

Malaysia is happy to be overtaken by any country in the world so long as malays can overtake non-malays in Malaysia. That is the 'Jaguh Kampung' mentality which has guided Malaysia since 1969.

And I glad I am out of this country. I would feel much better when I get citizenship elsewhere. Currently I only have permanent residence. Every single time I see the farce that all these BN idiots come up with - I laugh my ass off.

We will work and strive our hardest to contribute to the country that accepts us as we are regardless of our skin color and race. The funny thing is we are treated more like first class citizens in our adopted country as opposed to being second class citizens in the country we were born in.

Good luck to those who are still stuck in this God-forsaken paradise. Malaysia truly is a beautiful country. Unfortunately it was destroyed by a bunch of nincompoops.

Just look at the red tape in Malaysia, the state sponsored segregation laws, the state of the police force, the education system that is exploited by Umno members to, and how can we forget - the crime rate. Can we be proud?

Patriotism does not mean keeping mum while the government destroys the country. If it is not working, change it. People are the government, choose your right one and don't whine after the next election.

I can bear the above if malays are using their true ability, persistence, intelligence, hard work and other proper means to over the non-malays. But in actual fact, you all know. The malays will bring down this country in no-go time!

Yes, instead of building towers they are building holes in the ground.

I have worked in Vietnam, worked with them, have many I call friends, and I will tell you this - It is not a question of it but when! In fact we don't have to look at Vietnam, Thailand will likely achieve Vision 2020 which we already know we will fail.