Monday, September 05, 2005

KL Photo Festival - seminars

I dun feel like writing how happy i was because my mood is spoilt completely now. Just wanna drop down some notes.

Fashion photography:
- think out of the box.
- backlight to create silhoutte and flying hair... when u run out of idea.
- backlight, double check of the shade
- dun follow ur initial fixed plan blindly. Idea comes anytime, anywhere.
- learn to appreciate beautiful pic, read more mag and commercial ad.
- backlight impt to create the mood.
- fill light to fill the dark shade.
- no harsh light.

- the pic must tell stories.
- read more newsppaer and mag, know what kind of photos are needed and newsowrthy.
- 'thick skin', must be able to communicate well with people; so that, ppl know u.
- publish ur photo online (eg. pbase) or establish a website, so that ppl can see ur work.
- say 'YES', though u dun know. Cuz u are going to figure out soon.
- always carry ur cam (the best cam) anywhere u go.

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